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hello everyone! this is ann zieve with thenorthern utah home team and keller williams success realty here to give you my weeklymarket update, and this week i have some great tips for you about internet searching forhomes, but first let's look at some market statistics, and then we'll look at some newhomes on the market, so let's get going. so here's our chart of weekly market statisticsthat we keep for you and right now we're at

dollar car rental las vegas reviews

the beginning to middle of august, and whati like to do is compare it to where we were about a year ago back in october, so about10 months ago. you can see how the number of new listings has increased. those sellershave a lot of confidence in this market so new homes are jumping on the market. buyersare still buying. they still have confidence

in the market, and so the price has been creepingup. also, the number of days on market is down. it's a little bit more competitive outthere. so let's take a look at some internet searching techniques because that's how alot of people find out about the market. so here i am on zillow. i am sure a lot ofyou are familiar with zillow. it's the number one real estate search engine, but i bet youdidn't know this. if you go down to the bottom of zillow and check on, click on zestimates,it takes you to this nice, little chart and tells you about how accurate the zillow estimatesare, and you can see for utah you only get a one star, and if you look down here to whatone star means, it means that it's based on tax assessors value or they are unable tocompute the accuracy of their data. that's

because utah is a non-disclosure state. sellersare not required to report to any public agency what they sold a house for, so zillow hasno clue, so when you're searching for values on zillow just be aware that they are reallyguesstimates, not any kind of real life estimates. let me show you an, what is the real value of a home? the real value of a home is when a buyer and aseller agrees it is. so here's a home that we recently sold that i put into zillow andit estimates the value to be $332,000. i can tell you the home did not sell for that much,so that is not really the value of that home. well, let's look at one more. here's anotherhome that we sold recently that the zestimate is $144,000 and i can tell you that home soldfor more, so again, zillow is not right on

the mark there, so the best way to find outthe value of a home whether you are looking to buy or sell is to talk to a realtor. wehave access to the mls data which is accurate because sellers do agree to report sold pricesthere. we can give you a great value on a home you want to sell or that you want tobuy. well let's look at some homes that are forsale right now. this first home is listed for $150,000. it's located in the popularmeadowbrook neighborhood which is north of 12th street in ogden. it's four bedrooms,two baths, and the neighborhood has four parks, so there is no houses behind this home becauseit's one of the parks that's behind it. you can sit on your deck and enjoy the great can see the home has been recently redone,

new paint, new carpet, and it's in great's another new home that's available. this is actually a townhome listed for $205,'s three bedrooms and three baths. it also has a two-car garage. it's about $1,500 squarefeet, and it's located right by the ogden canyon on the ogden side, so it makes a greatsecond home or a ski rental place for people who want to come out and ski and maybe justbe here part-time, so that's available.

dollar car rental las vegas reviews,so that wraps up this week's market update.remember that we are here to help you if you're looking to buy a home, sell a home, or investin real estate. we're just a phone call, text, or email away, and we're here to give youvalues on any homes you're looking to buy or sell. so until next week, keep buying andselling that real estate. bye, bye!

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