transport for london cares about road safetyand is committed to making london’s roads safer for all. in 2015 there were 387 collisionswhere cyclists were killed or seriously injured on london roads. to help reduce the numberof collisions and address the common causes, we have developed a series of safety tipsfor both drivers and cyclists. advanced stop lines help motorists and cyclistsby providing an area for cyclists to wait
in front of traffic when the lights are red.cyclists in this area are more visible to motorists and have space to move off whenthe lights turn green. as a cyclist, it’s against the law to crossthe second stop line and jump a red light - you could be fined â£50, as stated in thehighway code. it’s also dangerous as you
could be hit by an oncoming vehicle. motorists should not enter the green box ofan advanced stop line when the lights are red. crossing the first or second line whenthe light is red makes you liable for a â£100 fixed penalty and three points on your licence.if the traffic light changes from green to amber and you can’t safely stop before thefirst stop line, you must stop before the second line, as also stated in the highwaycode. motorists are asked to keep a safe distancefrom cyclists, and don’t try to overtake when there isn’t enough space to do so. according to research, drivers find it frustratingwhen cyclists ride in the middle of the road.
but did you know that cyclists are trainedto ride away from the gutter and into the middle of the lane where it is too narrowfor cars to overtake safely? many cyclist injuries are caused by car doorsbeing opened into their path. cyclists are trained to ride a door’s widthaway from parked cars in case a door opens suddenly, but on london’s roads, this isnot always possible. so as a driver or passenger, it’s importantto double check for oncoming cyclists as well as other, larger vehicles that are easierto spot when getting out of your car. cyclists are also encouraged to ride in astraight line past parked cars instead of weaving between them. take extra care whenpassing taxis too, as passengers could open
their doors unexpectedly into your path. in 2015, 72 cyclists were killed or seriouslyinjured in a collision involving a goods vehicle. lorries and trucks have large blind spotsand often are unable to see cyclists. cyclists are therefore encouraged to stay back behindlorries to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable situation where the driver can’t see you.
car hire yorkshire,lorry drivers, make sure you indicate earlywhen turning at junctions and use your mirrors to look out for cyclists around you as theycould be in your blind spot. finally, as a driver when approaching a junction,make sure you always indicate early and keep an eye out for oncoming cyclists to ensureyou don’t cross into their path.
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